Thursday, October 16, 2014

Urinary system

                                                 Urinary System
Image result for urinary system
Function : The Urinary System is used to get waste out of your body.

Organs: The urinary system starts of with the kidneys. Kidneys filter through blood to remove waste within them. Once the unwanted is taken from the blood cells it goes to the next step. This waste is urine. The urine now moves down to the ureters. The ureters are a pathway for the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder is where your urine is stored. Once the cycle of cleaning cells is complete and the bladder is completely full of liquid. That is when you have to pee.

Interactions With other systems:  The urinary system works with two systems. It works with the digestive system because digestive gives nutrient to the cells that would soon turn to waste. They it works with he circulatory system because circulation is what makes the energy get all used up.
Image result for shower

 Analogy: Your kidneys are like a shower. A showers purpose is to get the dirty and grim of your body but of course not was away yous skin. The kidney does the same. It takes out the " grim" from the cell. The kidneys is how the cells stay functional and don't get full of things they don't even need. Just like us if we don't shower and take of the unnecessary dirt we will get sick and it will just fill us up.                

Structure and Function: The bladder is put where it is for many reasons. It shape is for a reason. Even its size matters. Lets see why. The bladders location is at the bottom of your torso. This is because you legs have a long range of motion so they of course can move out o the way of where your bladder deposits. Its also there because  it needs to be close enough to the ground where it wont get you dirty  and just go where you want it too. The shape of the bladder. The bladder is kinda shaped a short vase. This is so it can do its full job and hold as much water as possible within its small space. This is also why the bladder is more like a bag then anything else. It main goal  is to be able to hold urine. Now the size of the bladder is a little strange. The bladder is not very big yet it holds 2 liters of waste. The real question is why not any bigger? Its main goal is to hold urine. You see this would be bad for your bladder. Do you remember why the cells wanted to get rid of the waste. Its because it was unnecessary and just took up space. This just shows that with holding the waste in the bladder for a long time the bladder would become less of an organ and more of a container. The bladder must keep moving and not be an ocean for the body. That is also why the bladder is not made of bone because it needs to move not just hold the urine.


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