Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sienna's Circulatory System

The heart is a key organ in the circulatory system that produces oxygenated blood and gets rid of the non-oxygenated blood. The heart is a muscle about as big a fist. It has a huge job because it is always working, but you never have to think about it. Its main function is to move blood through the body. Your blood carries fuel, energy from your food, and oxygen. It also carries your bodies waste away too. Veins are connected to the heart. The veins carry the blood to all of the body.

Before class today,  I did not know very much about the circulatory system. After the lesson, I learned that your heart has a specific flow. Your oxygenated blood flows out of your lungs to the left atrium. Then it flows to the left ventricle and travels through the veins to all parts of your body. Next, the unoxygenated blood goes to your right atrium and flows down into the right ventricle to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.  This is the cycle of your blood.

It is especially satisfying that we get to learn more about our bodies. The circulatory system is very intriguing because of the way it flows and how much it does for our bodies. I learned that the blood leaving your heart needs to be oxygenated by your lungs at all times. It then goes to the other parts of your body giving oxygen to your muscles and organs.

If I were to give myself a graded give myself a 9 out of 10. I think that I paid attention in class to the video and looked at the rubric for this blog. I followed the directions to make sure that I had all of the parts of the blog and a good summary too. I think I can improve on my blogs as I get my comfortable with the the format.

I would like to improve upon memorizing the names of the different parts of the circulatory system. I love science and I want to remember what you teach me. Maybe one day I'll decide to to be a science teacher or a scientist too. This is my favorite subject. 

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