Monday, October 6, 2014

Respritory Sysetm

                                                      Respiratory system 
Function: The respiratory system get the oxygen in your body and get carbon dioxide out. It works with the
circulatory system.

Organs: The organs are the lungs,trachea, mouth ,nose , and diaphragm.They all work together on getting the oxygen to the whole body. You see the nose and mouth have to same purpose. They get the oxygen to your trachea. What does the trachea do. The trachea connect the mouth and the nose to the lungs. Then the lungs the key point leads that oxygen to the heart. The the heart fills the lungs with carbon dioxide. Soon enough the diaphragm kicks in and it moves that air out. This is how this system works together in harmony.

Interaction with other systems: The respiratory system works closely with the circulatory system. The circulatory system needs the respiratory systems oxygen to function at all. Then the respiratory system need the carbon carbon dioxide to breath out and repeat the cycle.

Image result for water pipe
Analogy: The trachea is like a water pipe. It is the perfect path way to connect to source. For a water pipe that would be water and for the trachea that would be the lungs gas. They both transport for the source it proves for.

Structure and Function: The diaphragm is special to its shape placement and size. Lets see why. First of all its size. The size of the diaphragm is just fit to base of the lungs. It cant be any bigger or smaller because that would defeat its purpose. Next the placement. This makes us think what is its job. Well the diaphragms job is to to expand and decrease the size of the lungs. So its placement must be near the lung to work. Then last the shape of it. Then last but not least the shape. The shape of the diaphragm is complete shaped around the base of the lung. It is so close it is like a mold of it.  All of this together does make  the working diaphragm and great diaphragm.

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