Friday, October 17, 2014

Nervous System

                                                          Nervous System
Image result for nervous system
Function : The function of your nervous system is to send signals to your body. It tells your body where to move. For example me typing this sentence is all done by signals from the brain.

Organs: The organs are the brain which send the signal of what to do. Then there is the spinal cord which transfers the signals to the body. The spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae. Then last but not least there is the nerves which keep the brain on the body. That's the basic idea of them all. Let's go into a little more depth. The brain in the power point for all body motion. The brain tells your legs to move your hands to type and your arms to move. The brain is like a coder. The coder tells the robot ( out body) what to do. Without the code the human could not move or function. Next the nerves. Nerves are how these messages get to all parts of the body.  Your nerves are head to toe so you can have the full range of movement we require. Now last of all the spinal cord. The spiral cord is like the hub for signals. All the nerves connect to it and this is where all signals get sent out. Thats why if your spinal cord gets injured permanently you get paralyzed. That entire part of the hub gets shut down and is unable to get those messages.

Interaction with other systems: The nervous system works with the skeletal system. The skeletal provides protection to the spinal cord. It also proved protection to the brain. I feel that without the skeletal system us as humans would die very fast. Think just one fall on the spinal cord and bam your paralyzed for life. The skeletal system really provides for the nervous system and we could not function without it.

Image result for train station
Your spinal cord is like a train station. You see your brain sends in the " trains" holding the action your body must do. Then the spinal cord is the station where it stops of. The spinal cord has access to the location these signals need to go to. Soon the signals or "passengers" on the "train"  so off to there final destination. The nerves. Just like a real train station. It takes you just where you need.

Structure and Function:
The spinal cord is a vital part of this system. Now you can learn more about it. The place and shape of the spinal cord is interesting, It is very long and is the size of your entire torso length wise. It has its benefits though. It has to be very long because it must be able to reach the entire body. We need to nerves to be able to reach top and bottom of the body. It also has hundreds of branches to it. These branches are used to transport the signals the the right place in the body. Now the size of the spinal cord is important. The spinal cord cant just be any size it wants. It works with the vertebrae. The vertebrae is there to protect the spinal cord but changing the size of just one would really hurt your body. All these work together in perfect ( or imperfect) harmony to make it so I can move and write and jump and around. Thanks Nervous system!

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