Thursday, January 8, 2015

M&M Experiment

This week I was surprised that Mr. P gave me two student of the month forms.

 This week I learned that  some color M&M dissolve faster than other. I learned this from the experiment we did.

No, I have not done anything like this in school . However,out of school I have done something similar.  You know how on easter you color eggs? Well, one year for easter I put a food color tablet in water that is meant for coloring eggs. This process was faster than the M&M's dissolvement stage. 

 My hypothesis was incorrect  and didn't match my result in my project. My hypothesis was that lighter M&M dissolve faster than dark. Then we did the project. After the first one dissolved I saw that its color was green. I had thought that yellow would dissolve first.

This week when we were doing are experiments no one had the same conclusion Why you may ask. Well this we all had different  variables. Such as different water levels, different M&Ms, different place meant, etc.
This is why we didn't have the same answers.

If I could redo my work this week I would make my steps more specific. This is so anyone can understand it. I think I was unclear with my work. If I don't do this it would be hard for someone to do this themselves. That is why I should have been more clear.

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