Wednesday, January 14, 2015

M&M science experiments

Surprise: I went to my friend house and I was on her stairs; out of nowhere her cat jumps super close to my face. he really scared me. Then my friend and I started to laugh like crazy. HAHAHAHAHA.

This week I could see that are group was more precise when we did  the experiment. For example  we dropped are M&M in a pretty close spot compared to each other. We also got a more precise amount of water in each plate. We did this by measuring how much will go in each plate. This is called controlling your variables.

I think one of the most satisfying thing about this weeks work is that there can't be any wrong answers in these kinds of experiments. If you follow the directions you will get a substantial answer. We all had different variables so we would not get the same answer.I feel that we will keep more control over all the variables in the future thought. The bright side is that we will have a more accurate statement.

If someone were to look at my work I would want them to notice my diagrams of what happen in the experiment. I think it is important because they were not doing the experiment with me. Without the diagrams all you would have is my description of what happen. I am a visual learner so I want to make something easy for other visual learner to understand. So that is why I should and will add pictures.

If I could change one thing in the project it would be the placement of the M&Ms. I would do this because I think some of the tests were unfair and not precise. If I did this I think the end results would have changed. So for example we had a green M&M that was slow but it was closer to the finish line so it won. That why I would change it.

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