Sunday, May 27, 2018

Scientist Wanted
Summary: Nikola Tesla is an highly influential man who was able to advance our worlds use of electricity. He made inventions such as the alternating current generator and helped with our current radio system. He even moved to america at one point and worked alongside Thomas Edison. He is well known now for being the inspiration behind the Tesla car brand due to it being an all electric car and him being an idol in the terms of advancements in electricity.

Conducting Investigations:
I wanted to ask myself and challenge myself throughout this project what was Nikola Tesla all about? In exploring his life's story I discovered he was born in 1856 July 10th and died on January 7 1943. He went to Graz University of Technology and University of Graz. He had 4 siblings Marica Kosanović, Angelina Tesla,Dane Tesla, and Milka Tesla.He was born in Smiljan, Croatia and his first job was as a assistant engineer. His life was filled with so many things even besides his greatest accomplishments and it's important to see those things. 

System and System Models: 
Nikola Tesla's most famous invention was the alternating current generator. Yet you may be asking how does this thing work? As the article How does an AC generator work and on what principle states; "The moving coil produces motional emfs on both sides of the coil. ... the speed at which the coil or magnetic field rotates. Making AC electricity. When a wire is moved in the magnetic field of a generator, the movement, magnetic field and current are all at right angles to each other.". This was revolutionary to how we generate power which truly makes him a man to remember.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Our Universe

Summary: Our universe is beautiful. There is so much to it. For example our sun. It is the star that our small piece of our galaxy needs. Did you know that the sun powers itself with nuclear fusion?  I converts hydrogen into helium in its core and when it does so it actually makes nuclear energy. Also one minute of nuclear energy from the sun is more nuclear energy that all of earths nuclear arsenal. Isn't that insane. Our sun in comparison to others is very small and us in comparison to many other things in other solar systems are nothing. The solar system is beautiful because of how vast and unknown it truly is making it so interesting to explore.

Using Models: Meet the pocket solar system. You'll love the innovation of the easy to make model of the solar system. You see surprisingly enough the solar system holds a pattern. That is why when you make this model you can use references starting with the sun and Kuiper Belt and build out from there. For example perfectly in half (relatively) between the Sun and Kuiper Belt is Uranus. More folding can lead you to finding saturn. Then Jupiter. All the way down to Mercury. Giving you the relative placement of all the planets!

Cause and Effect: Have you ever heard of a black hole? Or even a super nova? Well without cause and effect this wouldn't be possible. You see inside a star nuclear fusion is happening all the time. Hydrogen turning into helium and over time the power of the fun decreases until it dies. Dying for a star is called a super nova. Supernova's are catastrophic explosion. To gie you scale the day our sun explodes we will all die. It would take 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the light to travel to earth from the super nova and we wouldn't even know it happened till after those 8 minutes. After the life of our sun or any star it tend to leave a black hole which sucks in everything around it pulling it in.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Stress on the Brain

Summary: Stress on the brain. Stress can be good at times. It can push you to do better and when it comes down to it it is your fight or flight sense protecting you. Yet the real problem is when you have too much stress. Stress has many effects such as shrinking the brain, handicapping your learning, and messing up your social skills. This is a few of many effects stress can have on the brain now let me tell you the science behind it all.

Analyzing Data:
  You see as we learned what stress really does to the brain we had to reflect upon it to help a survivor of a natural disaster who would be experiencing such stress to get better. Stress releases a hormones in your brain that in abundance an be deadly to the portion of your brain called the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for your learning, long term memory, and other things. Stress can reduce the connections in this section of the brain. As a survivor of something as traumatic as a natural disaster you suffer from a major amount of stress and of course suffer the affects. We had to formulate a plan in which the survivor could follow in order to reduce this oncoming stress. Suggestions included meditation, exercise. reconnecting to your faith and talking to other survivors. All these actions reduce the level of stress in your body making it so survivors don't have to suffer.

Stability and Change:
When it comes to trauma things change yet not always so quickly. People who suffer something traumatic tend to be later diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This causes of course a reworking on how the brain functions day to day. Almost rewiring you in a way that functions in a manner towards the disorder. For a person that suffers from any of these illnesses it is important to gain control of the anxieties that come with the trauma and come to term with all that happened. Talking through things with other people who have suffered similar things or even a therapist can give survivors back their control and stabilize them over time.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Seasons, Eclipses, and Tides Regrade

Question 5:  What season is the Northern Hemisphere in in position #3?: As you can see the correct answer for what season position 3 is is actually fall. To prove this you can even see that in position 2 the northern hemisphere is the most directly facing the sun during that time and just by basic logic you can deduct that since the season after summer is fall position #3 therefore is going to be fall.

Question 6: What season is the Northern Hemisphere in in position #4?: With the same kind of reasoning as before since we know that position #3 is fall due to the order of how our seasons shift ( spring summer fall and winter) we know that the season following fall is always winter. Yet another way to tell is by looking at the poles. You can tell the best which season it is by which pole is pointed towards the sun. As you can see the south pole is closer and pointed closer to the sun than the north pole which is on the opposite side to the sun.

Question 12:   Which tide happens when the sun, earth, and moon, and aligned?:The actual answer is spring tides because when the lunar eclipse is happening you have a full moon which I know this is a lunar eclipse because the formation described was sun earth moon meaning the earth blocks the sun. Well anyways it is a full moon in this position and as we know on a new moon and full moon the earth has spring tides.
Info from this article:

Question 14: What happens when there is a spring tide?: As we discovered in the article spring tides are extremely strong/ high tides. They occur when the moon has a very strong gravitational pull.
Link to info:

Question 17: Why do we experience  the changing of seasons on earth?: We experience the changing of seasons on earth because of the earths tilt on its axis. Since the earth is tilted at approximately 23.5 degrees at different points in its rotation around the sun you get which side of the earth shifting and showing different levels of preference when it comes to direct sunlight.

Question 18: When the moon is at full moon or new moon, what type of tide will we experience?
As we know from the fact that the lunar eclipse is a full moon we know that a full moon and new moon produces spring tides!
Info from this article:

Question 19: What season is the Northern Hemisphere in position 4?:
The Northern Hemisphere is in summer. Same logic we applied before we can see that the north pole or the line representing the north pole is pointing the most towards the sun. The tilt of the earth is favoring the northern hemisphere making it so they have the most direct sunlight during this time.

Question 20: what season is the Southern Hemisphere in position 4?:
Due to the fact that the Northern Hemisphere is getting summer time and since we can expect this means the northern hemisphere is getting the most amount of direct sunlight we can assume by logic that the Southern hemisphere can't  be getting that direct sunlight due to it being on the opposite of the northern.Therefore you have to have the southern hemisphere receiving the least amount of light and being winter.

Question 22: At which two points would we experience the highest high tides?:
Well we would experience the highest high tides at positions 1 and 5 or more so the positions of new moon and full moon. These are when spring tides happen which we know as highest high tides!

Question 24: Which two of the following are responsible for seasons?
The answers are the Earth's tilt or it 23.5 degree angle this makes it so when the Earth rotates on its axis different places of the earth aka the Northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere get different levels of exposure to the sun.

Question 26: Locations in the Northern Hemisphere are warmest in summer because sunlight in summer is...
Sunlight in summer is the most intense for the longest duration. This is because summer days are actually longer. This is because the angle of the sun is higher during summer than in winter meaning it takes longer for it to leave.

Question 28: In New York, the risk of sunburn is greatest at 11am- 3pm because on summer days...
On summer days the angle of the sun is higher meaning the sun is already having the most direct sunlight due to its position and because its high angle makes it stay in the sky longer.

Question 36: There are places in the world that experience 24 hours a day of daylight. Where do you expect this to happen?
 You would expect this to happen on the poles because absolutely no matter what the sun has to be pointing on either the northern hemisphere of the southern hemisphere and to be able to do that they need to tilt near the poles giving those areas sunlight. When the sun is giving preference to a certain hemisphere that pole is getting that sunlight!

Question 37: What is your science teacher's full name ( spelling matters)?:
My science teachers full name is Mariana Garcia Serrato. Serrato goes after Garcia, never before. You don't hyphenate the name because we Americans are weird and have to hyphenate everything. I originally got it wrong because I switched up Serrato and Garcia and totally butchered Serrato spelling it all funky. But NO it is Mariana Garcia Serrato. May I repeat Mariana Garcia Serrato!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Musical Sound Waves Project Blog

Sound waves are what makes it so we are able to hear people talking,hear music, and anything along the lines of hearing. Sound waves are made up of vibrations and these vibrations are converted in your ear into electric/chemical signals so your brain is able to understand them. Now that you know a bit about how sound waves lets talk about how to make use of them. A classic example is an instrument. Instruments use vibrations to be able to turn notes into sound waves. When making an instrument the key thing to make sure happen is you can hold a vibration because sound can never be produced without vibrations.  Instruments use this vibration and by covering different holes channels those vibrations in different ways to make our different notes.

Backwards Looking: What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them?: 
When we were creating the instrument a main problem was that the mouth piece which is the component in making a vibration had nothing in it that was able to create such a vibration. It was completely flat originally meaning when we would try and breath into it it would just be blowing air into a wall. Then we looked at how a flute works which has a similar mouthpiece to our bass flute and saw that the side you blow into has an edge to it which makes it so when it breaks the air a vibration occurs. Once we shaved this edge into the mouthpiece it was then able to pick up sound.

Inward Looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?:
I felt quite confident about this piece of work. It holds a solid and in tune note as you play it. In particular with the PVC pipe bass flute I enjoy its sound. It has a deep and dark sound making it quite unlike any other instrument I have played before. Some thing I did dislike however is the amount of air to power this instrument can be quite demanding at times making it especially when more holes are covered harder to hold a tone for long.

Outward Looking:Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?:
In comparison to other groups I believe the process of making the instrument was quite different. Many groups relied on class time to construct out instrument while our group had the plan that the construction of the instrument due to its materials size would be done outside of class. While some groups took days on end to be able to complete their instrument just using class time for us we busted it out in a single sitting. I believe the process of getting the different components done was quite similar. I had seen many groups also split off just as we had to be able to work on different components of the deliverable. I believe everyone grew to understand that the best way to complete this chunk of work was to well distribute it.

Forward Looking:What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?.:
If I had the chance to do this piece over again I would of course have better knowledge on why originally our instrument wasn't working. This was due to it having no angled side so when you blew into it it would do nothing. Also I would like to practice more making solid notes and being able to change notes easier. I felt our song would have been much more solid if we had cleaner transistions between notes.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Creating an Instrument
Summary: In building an instrument I can say there are three main components to make sure it works. One, Holding a Vibration. Sound is just a vibration of molecules and if you don't create a situation in which (in reference to wind instruments) that you don't produce a vibration when you blow into the mouth piece you won't make a sound when you try and play. Next we have creating a scale. When you make an instrument its all fine and dandy when you can make it produce a note but instruments are about being able to produce a range of notes of course to make the end goal of making a song. Then finally measurements. Measurements are what make or break an instrument. Making an instrument is about being extremely precise and if your measurements are off that you have just created a completely different thing then you were intending. Being accurate when you measure and holding true to those measurements insures that things work.

S&EP: Conducting Investigations:
Sadly since I am not yet a master instrument crafter you do have a level or variables when making an instrument. You have to really investigate while you craft and test to see if you can make those three main components I mentioned above. You also at times must conduct investigations by looking at things similar to yours. For example we looked at a flute mouth piece when we were in the process of making a bass flute because the way of producing a vibration is the same. Once you have conducted investigations and taken from them you go back to the creation process and use what you have learned.

XCC: Cause and Effect:
Now we have been talking about how precise this process can get and how any small chances can totally throw off the outcome. I'm going to say now this is not an understatement and an inch as we may think of it means a lot more in this fine crafting world. Another cause and effect process you will see a lot of is how an instrument is played. Let me give you the lowdown on how a bass flute works. First off you will blow across the hole in the mouth piece. The air from your breathing will go into the hole and vibrate the instrument. That vibration will keep on passing along. Then if you have your fingers down on the lower holes that change your notes you will get different notes and finally the sound is releases and we can hear the exact sound it produces.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Music Industry Debate: Digital Vs Analog

     Dear Mr. Producer,
       Digital vs analog is a huge debate. Me being the next rising musician DJ Fo Shizzle it's important for me to know which one is best platform for my sick beats. You see when we talk analog vs digital this is the format in which music or any other type of wave can be transmitted. When you have sound it is a sound wave. With analog it is a copy or an analogy of what the wave is doing. Digital is ranges of numbers that interpret the wave of in this case sound. Now as a highly professional music producer I know that digital is the way to go when producing music.

      Digital doesn't lose quality over time. As stated in the article Analogue Vs Digital: Advantages and Disadvantages; " One of the biggest cons with analogue is that every time a copy of the audio is made from the original tape, the quality in sound deteriorates a little. This also applies each time the track is played." With digital since digital is a series of numbers you can copy a song millions of times and it will stay the exact same That is why the song lets say Single Ladies sounds the same on every mp3 player (digital) while it will sound different on two different cassette tapes (analog).

   Digital music is easier to store than analog. As pointed out in the Article What is Analog Reading is says; "It's easier to store information in digital form and it generally takes up less room. You'll need several shelves to store 400 vinyl, analog LP records, but with an MP3 player you can put the same amount of music in your pocket! " (Paragraph 8) When it comes to music you usually want to hear your favorite song instantly without much trouble. Think of every time you wanted to hear that one song you needed to go through 400 vinyls to find it instead of a few clicks on something like I Tunes. People tend to be more receptive to listening to your music when it is not as much of a hassle for them to be able to listen.

Digital takes out imperfections and the hassle you deal with when it comes to analog. As the video Analog or Digital? states; "The hype on digital was the perfect solution on all audio problems. No hissing tape or fragile vinyl to contend with and will last forever" (50-57). Digital makes the process of listening to music easier and makes it so you can focus on the song more than the distraction of something like a hissing tape or the worry of breaking the fragile vinyl. Digital provides less worry with means more enjoyment of the music.

Counter Argument:
Analog has its benefits too as my producer suggests so let's talk about some main points in the argument towards using analog. As stated in the article Analog,Digital, What's the difference?;" Digital takes a few “snapshots” of the number line, while analog takes the whole line into account." Analog makes it so what is in the original sound wave is more represented as a whole and doesn't cut out pieces.  People also enjoy things that sound natural which is why as pointed out in the article Recording Analog Vs Digital; "Analogue recordings can be more accurate and natural sounding due to changes in air pressure being captured exactly as recorded." Analog makes it so you are able to capture the raw sound waves more efficiently making it having the sound that its being performed for the first time in front of you.

That is all fine and dandy yet hear me out. Digital as I was saying in Paragraph 4, even though analog may have more of the sound and is a better analogy of the wave the forms in which we store this analog music is very inefficient and can even take away from the music all together. With digital you don't have to concerned about your vinyl being cracked or your tape hissing while you listen to your song. Digital also makes songs more accessible for people. As Paragraph 2 talked about digital music can be copied infinite amounts of times and never lose quality. People can have your song right in their pocket on their phone or mp3 player rather than a on a shelf or in a box. With this evidence you have to admit that analog while it has its benefits is just not very accessible to the masses and really has flaws because of the platform it is recorded on (vinyls for example).

So Mr. Producer I hope you take this into deep consideration. I hope I opened your eyes to how digital would be the best platform for my music. It is accessible, doesn't lose quality, and doesn't have issues of damage like analog devices. Digital yes not have the ability to copy the wave perfectly but it does the job that is most important that analog lacks in. It makes it so millions of people can have the same song and enjoy it as quickly as they think of it. With this new information I hope for the sake of my songs and other songs that are produced through your company that you will convert to digital music!


DJ Fo Shizzle

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Signals Using Waves
Waves come in many forms. We have things like sound waves which is a mechanical wave. Then you have something like microwaves used in your phones or light waves that are electromagnetic waves. Now that you know some examples of waves let's talk about why they are even useful. Waves first off is a mean of communication. First off the easy one when we speak we release sound waves which people interpret as us speaking. Yet that's not the only way we can use waves to our advantage. Digitalizing waves which is when you use the form of the wave and put it within ranges of numbers makes it so what you just said can be transmitted all across the world. Digital looks blocky because it is not an analogy like analog waves are. Analog waves copy the wave while digital put what it is hearing from the waves in categories of numbers to be able to relay the message.

Using Models:
In class we used a model of a slinky being the wave a person being the receiver of whatever message was being relayed a transmitter relaying the message, and an image generator writing down what the message is. These pieces were to show what is like to relay a message using analog and digital waves.  First we had digtal where there was two options one stroke was 1 and two strokes was 0. The receiver would be blind and would have to say what they felt. We gained mostly 100% accuracy with this system showing that digital is easy to read. Then we did analog where we would have the receiver not blind and looking at the wave. The would have to guess what number the transmitter was trying to relay between 20-60 in increments of 10. This was very difficult to reach 100% accuracy showing that analog has more of a range is harder to interpret.

Waves may seem complicated and you must be wondering how can anyone ever get any information from them. Well you just need to think of a wave especially when its digital as a pattern. In digital the pattern is a certain pattern of 1's and 0's creating the wave that you originally produced. For analog its much larger ranges and an analogy of the pattern. You could say that analog is like tracing an image while digital is making a sketch of the image. Analog is trying to replicate the original wave or pattern while digital is trying to get a general idea and put it in a more simple form.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Digital Vs Analog
Summary: Analog Vs Digital. Which side are you on? Well before you make your choice let me explain a little more in depth what each is. An analog signal is a analogy of the wave its interpreting. For example when a analog technology tracks sound waves it gives a good analogy of what the sound wave is interpreting making them look smooth like you can see up above. Then you have digital. Digital is a when you have certain number ranges and they transfer the original wave for example sound and use the ranges they have in numbers to get a good representation of what they wave represents. This is bad however because waves are smoothed and curved meaning when you do these ranges you miss out on some information. Yet digital is good in the sense that is is transferable for example you can send music to someone across the country because its just a bunch of numbers.

S&EP: Conducting Investigation:
You may hear all this stuff and digital vs analog but the best way to really see if you truly do miss out on some of the quality and sound when it comes to sound waves it by doing an investigation. We had a student record himself playing a song with his flute. We listened to the quality and sound of that. They we listened to the same student on the same instrument with the same song play the same thing and just but that investigation we determined as a class that when its recorded sound loses its quality and fullness. Digital gets rid of some of the sound that you will hear when it is done live.

XCC: Energy and Matter:
There is a lot to know about sound and most you must be asked the question what medium does sound travel through best; liquid,gas,or solid. If you guessed gas you are correct and ill tell you why. You see sound is a vibration of molecules which means when the closer the molecules are the more efficiently they can pass the energy that the vibration produces between them. So that is why a solid which had its molecules more dense and connected is able to carry sound so well because the molecules can transfer the vibration from one to another very efficiently and quickly while with things like liquids and gases the molecules are more spread out making the vibrations harder to pass.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Waves Mastery Quest Regrade Blog Post

Question 4:
The actual answer is the second container because unlike the other two containers the molecules are compact and close to each other. Looking at it now you can see the first container represents water because its not really connected or bound to each other and more so fall around each other and the last container is a gas because they are spread far apart. In water since the molecules are not bound to each other like in a solid they don't carry a vibration as well as a solid aka the second container would and same with the air because it is very far spread out making the vibration of the molecule harder to carry. So therefore a the second container carries sound the most efficiently.

Question 5:
Amplitude is the measure of how much_________the wave is carrying
The actual answer is frequency because it amplitude will only pay attention to how high or low the wave is. Frequency is how high or low the pitch is. This will be shown with how high or low the wave is so amplitude measures that distance from the middle line meaning that unlike what I had answered which was energy which is not the case at all because even though there is energy in waves that doesn't mean amplitude measures that energy.

Question 6:
Cell Phones use______ waves.
Cell Phones use microwaves. You see cell phones use receive microwaves from the nearby phone mast. Then your phone send back microwaves. The short burst of waves or the microwaves can carry a ton of information extremely quickly. Think of texting you basically get  texts back instantaneously after they are sent and when do your texts send slower? Thats went you are furthest from a phone mast. A reason why you would use microwaves instead of something like gamma ray is because microwaves don't have enough energy to break chemical bonds meaning it cannot be harmful to things like your skin.

Question 13:
_____ carry the greatest amount of energy.
Gamma rays carry the most amount of energy because they are the the highest on the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays are also radioactive or have radiation making them much more powerful then something like a microwave. It is so powerful that it can break your skin and damage your cells. The higher the energy the more damage it causes to chemical bonds. So that is how you know they carry the most energy.

Question 25:
In a transverse wave,particles move?

As you can see a transverse wave moves back and forth for example this transversal wave in the photo is going to the right and once it hits a surface it will reflect and go to the left proving that transverse goes back and forth.

Question 26:
The action of a wave bouncing off a surface is called______?
It is called a reflection which makes sense because think of an echo which is a reflection of your voice. When your voice echoes back it doesn't alter but instead repeat what you had originally said. What I had originally chosen was diffraction which is a word to actually describe how light spreads out after crossing a narrow space or an edge. We know this is clearly wrong becasue we are referring to sound waves not light.

Question 29:
A ________ is the  distance between a point on one wave and the identical  point   of the next wave.
I had originally had answered frequency but frequency is not about the distance but more so how many waves pass in a certain about of time. Wavelength is measured from either trough to trough or crest to crest which is the bottom of the wave (trough) and the top of the wave (crest). When it says an identical point it means the nexts wave top or nexts waves bottom making it so wavelength is the answer to this question.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Everyone (expect for the deaf) have heard sound. It comes in the form of music, dogs barking, us talking, and many other examples. Well let me explain what sound is all about. First of all sound is just a vibration of molecules. Thats why its possible for a high pitch to shatter glass
The reason that trick works is because the vibrations of the sound wave are so intense they break the glass into pieces. A sound wave is the wave like pattern sound makes. Let me teach you a bit about what sound waves look like and how to read them first. If you see really high waves especially high in the sense of amplitude which as you can see from the image if the height from the middle line to the top of the wave then you have a loud sound on your hands. If the amplitude is shorter than its a softer sound. As for high and low pitches( pitches are how high or low a note is) you will see that high notes have more waves per second which is called a high frequency. Frequency is how many complete waves there are in a second. As for low notes there are less waves per second. Refer to the picture below for more clarification.

S&EP: Conducting Investigations: 
We conducted many investigations to be able to properly conclude that indeed sound is a vibration of molecules. The first experiment we had a tuning fork. We would strike the tuning fork with a pencil and after you hit it you can lightly touch one of the prongs and feel the vibration of the metal. Another example we had a pingpong ball that hung from the table. We struck the tuning fork with the pencil and then we put the tuning fork next to the ping pong ball. The ping pong ball would then hit the tuning fork and continually bounce off the fork due to the vibrations. Then last but not least we would strike the tuning fork with a pencil and place it in a tub full of water. Once the fork made contact with the water the water splashed around due to the vibrations. Therefore in conclusion sound is a vibration of molecules.

XCC:Cause and Effect:
The vibration that is sound doesn't just stop at vibration, I mean how would you hear it. That's why sound has a power that cause and effect reveals. For example the echo. Have you ever yelled into a cave "Hello" and you heard your voice call back to you. That echo is produced by your voice or more so your voices vibrations hitting a surface like a wall and bouncing back at you. That's why an echo has a delay because it has to take the time to hit something and then com back to you. So the cause of an echo is your voice and the effect is of course the echo!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Roller Coaster Project Blog

Image result for roller coaster

Have you ever been to amusement park?  Well have you ever wanted to bring the amusement park to you? The Roller Coaster Project did just that. We learned the key aspects of a rollercoaster like acceleration at the right times things that give thrill factors like hills, turns, and loops. It is all there when designing a roller coaster. Durning this project I was tested with the consistant changes in the build, working with the different aspects of the challenge and of course gravity and the physics behind an actual rollercoaster.
What problems did you encounter while you were working on this piece? How did you solve them?:
Some problems we faced were that since our material was not as secure as something like metal it would tilt and mess up between days. We would have to rework and retape things a lot because it would dry of be knocked out of place. How we fixed this was just a lot of testing slight tweaks and reworks from what we already knew about a working roller coaster.
What does this piece reveal about you as a learner?:
This piece taught me I am good when I can see whats going on. I don't have to be the one to drop the marble but if I see the movement of it around our track I can learn to understand its patterns better that way rather than just in its number forms. Seeing consistent patterns with something you just learn the basics of how things function better.
In what ways did your work meet the standards for this assignment? In what ways did it not meet those standards? :
Our project had the basics. It had the complete Design Brief and of course this sutori. The build of the roller coaster was quite good as well but I think that we could have done better in some other departments. For example we should have labelled the build for the different aspects in it. We also could have worked harder on making the theme more clear and easier to detect. Overall I think we did quite well but if we had more time we could really push this to the next level.
One thing I would like to improve upon is ... :
I really wish we could have labelled the pieces of the coaster according to the questions. I really think I would feel more confident with the work if we had gotten this piece done. Also finishing the design of the the snake like build would have been nice too but was not as important to me.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Roller Coaster Build
Summary: Have you ever built a roller coaster? Chances are no but most of us have made our own race tracks or maybe roller coaster out of materials we have at home. Now a childhood pass time is connected to science and more specifically the science of motion. Roller Coaster are all powered by motion. It would be no fun it the carts never moved. What makes things move? Well lets start with some types of energy. Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion. You would think a roller coaster only needs Kinetic Energy but that is not the cause. Energy has to come from somewhere which is were we get Potential Energy. So when your cart is hanging  right over a great slope your cart has a lot of potential for energy if it is pushed forward. Potential Energy is converted into Kinetic Energy letting you have fun on a roller coaster.

S&EP: Using Models:
Since I can't make a life size rollercoaster to ride around in lets scale it down. What do you need to make a small roller coaster? Well you could use simple materials such a a marble as your cart, tubing, tape, and something like dowels and cardboard to help secure it. Now the tubing can't just be placed in any form if you have your track flat on the ground and then expect your marble to get over a giant hill it won't work. But why? Well for something to have any energy it must either have Kinetic Energy or Potential Energy. If the marble is just sitting on the track with no force being applied to it it will not move. This is due to Newtons law. An object in motion will stay in motion. An object not in motion will not move. You see to make your track work you need to create a situation where you keep speed until you want the marble to stop.

XCC: Structure and Function:
The first step to making your mini coaster work is by looking at examples of what has already been done. Roller coaster usually start of a position really high. This is to gain that Potential Energy that is all important. Then once you release your marble you will see if you created a hill it will speed down it. Now how do we continue this track of speed. This is where all the twist and turn come in. If you want the marble to keep its movement you can make something like a hill. It will go a bit slower on the way up but on the way up the amount of energy it takes to go us will be put back into going back down. You could use this new energy to make a loop or sharp turn. Slowly the marble will come to a stop once it has lost all the Kinetic Energy in it. This is ok all rides need to end at some point but depending on the structure of your build and how you lay it out and make sure you keep that kinetic energy going you can keep your coaster moving for a while

Friday, February 2, 2018

Potential Vs Kintetic

Image result for bow and arrowImage result for arrow in air

Summary: Kinetic Vs Potential. Which one of these images do you think is Kinetic? Which one is Potential. To figure this out you need so definitions. Kinetic Energy is the Energy of Motion. Kinetic Energy is things that move like the arrow flying through the air. Potential Energy is the Energy of Possible Energy. Would you believe me if I told you that an arrow that has not been released yet like in the left image also has energy. That arrow has the potential to have a lot of energy on release. That every don't just appear when you let go but it is stored up to be used while you pull back the string of the bow. Potential Energy is converted into Kinetic when you let go of the string or when motion is added.

S&EP:  Conducting Investigation:
 This week we used Gizmo to test Potential Energy. What was observed from the interactive is that the higher the ball or any object goes up on shelves or at different equal heights the ball or object will have a potential energy at about a perfect ratio. If on the first self the potential energy is 1 then you could expect that when you get to shelf 2 it will be 2 and so on a so forth. If you are working with even things since gravity is not going to suddenly change on Earth you can expect predictability.

XCC: Cause and Effect:
Newton basically invented this idea so it's unavoidable to avoid this great man when it comes to physics. Everyone knows the classic. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. To help you understand this better let me explain with the trampoline example. When you jump on a trampoline you always expect to be landed back up for every time you go down, but why? This comes from your understanding or this law of physics. You came down on the trampoline with lets say a bounce of 5 meters per second. Based on what Newton has proven you know that once you hit the trampoline the trampoline will take that force and use it to bounce you all the way back up. That's Cause and Effect baby!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Regrade on Speed Mastery Quest

Question 4:  The actual answer is 180 meters over the course of 15 minutes and the reason I had gotten it wrong originally is because when I was multiplying the first time I cared over the one but after using it forgot to cross it out making the answer 280 instead of 180.

Question 5: The actual answer is it takes 39 hours to get the Michigan but I stopped doing the problem mid way not dividing all the way down to 39.

Question 6: The actual answer is 1.17647059 and the reason I messed up originally is because I converted it to kilometers but I didn't do the last step and divide that number by one which gives us our answer.

Question 8: The actual answer is 875. I originally carried out the zeros out too long making my answer in the thousands instead of the hundreds. There was no reason to add a zero at the end.

Question 10: The actual answer is 0.5 m/s and the reason I got this wrong is because I divided time over distance instead of distance over time. I didn't ever work it out properly.

Question 12: The actual answer is the highest speed on the graph is the first one or distance 15 and time 20. I originally made a pretty terrible graph so I had no clue. The scale on my x axis was so large determining a proper answer was very difficult. It took just comparing the final velocity of all the points to see that the first one was the highest speed.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Summary: To understand acceleration we need to know some definitions and defining features. For example to really begin we must know about velocity. Velocity is distance over time. Velocity is also a vector which means it cares about the direction that the object is moving in. For acceleration we have velocity over time. When graphing it you must find the velocity of the object then you do a velocity over time. With acceleration we want to see how much it moved from the initial value lets say you started at zero then your initial value is zero then you subtract that by the final velocity it reaches. Then after that you must divide that number by how ever many seconds it took to get to the final value. If lets say you are doing this in units or cm or anything different then the value of the acceleration rate then you must divide it by that number for example if you need to turn it into meter instead of cm then you would divide by 100 because there are 100 cm in a meter. One you have that number you have your acceleration rate.

S&EP: Conducting Investigation: 
Over the course of our time understanding acceleration and deceleration we did a lab to be able to formalize our understanding these topics. When you see it in front of you it is easier to put numbers to actions. An obvious observation is whenever we put the car higher on the track it would move faster. It does time because the higher the slope the more of a gravitational pull it has on the car we used. We saw this in two senses. One where we stacked only a few books to create our track's slope. You can see the that car moved slower this time then when we had the higher slope of having it come off the side of our table. To understand deceleration we put it a little higher up but we didn't start counting until it hit the track the the floor were flush. You could notice at this time without gravity pulling on it as much the less and less it would reach each second.

XCC: Cause and Effect: 
Motion is all about cause and effect. You can basically assume if you are the throw a ball it would move and it would eventually hit the floor. We know this because we know that first of all throwing it will make it go into motion and gravity will pull it down. That is why things tend to not stay at a constant speed especially if they are not on an even terrain.  If you roll a wheel down a hill it will speed up on the slope and then  come to a stop but if you roll a wheel on even ground it will not be changed by gravity and will be at more of a consistent rate. In conclusion gravity causes a change in motion.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Summary: Speed. Mathematically speed is just distance over time but why? Well think about it from a logical standpoint. Think to produce any level of speed you must be moving. That's were the distance comes in. Distance is the coverage of space. Then we have time which of course we know as the units seconds, minutes, hours, and so on. Now that you know the basics let me show you have to do a Speed equation. For example Sam goes 6 feet in 2 seconds.With this information you can use the formula distance over time equal speed which would mean this equation would be something like 6 feet /2 seconds=3 f/s. So the speed of Sam is 3 feet per second.

S&EP: Using Models:
As you saw in my summary we use mathematics to determine things like speed. Yet we need to put all this math somewhere for it to be more understandable. That's when we meet the graph. With a speed graph we can track speed by the steepness of a slope that line will make. It on the y axis i distance so the line will go as far us as the distance is. Then as for the time it will move as far along the x axis depending on how long it takes to get to the destination. Together those two things make a readable graph that shows those two things.

XCC: Stability and Change:
When it comes to a constant speed its all about stability and an even ratio. For example with Sam's problem we could have the ratio of 3/1 or 6/2 or 12/4 or so on it can scale were the time and the distance stay at an even ratio. Then we can have change when something could accelerate. Acceleration is when there is change to the velocity in this cause speed on either the x or the y axis aka distance or time.That is when you will see a slope like image on a graph because the time and the distance don't line up.