Waves come in many forms. We have things like sound waves which is a mechanical wave. Then you have something like microwaves used in your phones or light waves that are electromagnetic waves. Now that you know some examples of waves let's talk about why they are even useful. Waves first off is a mean of communication. First off the easy one when we speak we release sound waves which people interpret as us speaking. Yet that's not the only way we can use waves to our advantage. Digitalizing waves which is when you use the form of the wave and put it within ranges of numbers makes it so what you just said can be transmitted all across the world. Digital looks blocky because it is not an analogy like analog waves are. Analog waves copy the wave while digital put what it is hearing from the waves in categories of numbers to be able to relay the message.
Using Models:
In class we used a model of a slinky being the wave a person being the receiver of whatever message was being relayed a transmitter relaying the message, and an image generator writing down what the message is. These pieces were to show what is like to relay a message using analog and digital waves. First we had digtal where there was two options one stroke was 1 and two strokes was 0. The receiver would be blind and would have to say what they felt. We gained mostly 100% accuracy with this system showing that digital is easy to read. Then we did analog where we would have the receiver not blind and looking at the wave. The would have to guess what number the transmitter was trying to relay between 20-60 in increments of 10. This was very difficult to reach 100% accuracy showing that analog has more of a range is harder to interpret.
Waves may seem complicated and you must be wondering how can anyone ever get any information from them. Well you just need to think of a wave especially when its digital as a pattern. In digital the pattern is a certain pattern of 1's and 0's creating the wave that you originally produced. For analog its much larger ranges and an analogy of the pattern. You could say that analog is like tracing an image while digital is making a sketch of the image. Analog is trying to replicate the original wave or pattern while digital is trying to get a general idea and put it in a more simple form.
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