Friday, March 2, 2018

Everyone (expect for the deaf) have heard sound. It comes in the form of music, dogs barking, us talking, and many other examples. Well let me explain what sound is all about. First of all sound is just a vibration of molecules. Thats why its possible for a high pitch to shatter glass
The reason that trick works is because the vibrations of the sound wave are so intense they break the glass into pieces. A sound wave is the wave like pattern sound makes. Let me teach you a bit about what sound waves look like and how to read them first. If you see really high waves especially high in the sense of amplitude which as you can see from the image if the height from the middle line to the top of the wave then you have a loud sound on your hands. If the amplitude is shorter than its a softer sound. As for high and low pitches( pitches are how high or low a note is) you will see that high notes have more waves per second which is called a high frequency. Frequency is how many complete waves there are in a second. As for low notes there are less waves per second. Refer to the picture below for more clarification.

S&EP: Conducting Investigations: 
We conducted many investigations to be able to properly conclude that indeed sound is a vibration of molecules. The first experiment we had a tuning fork. We would strike the tuning fork with a pencil and after you hit it you can lightly touch one of the prongs and feel the vibration of the metal. Another example we had a pingpong ball that hung from the table. We struck the tuning fork with the pencil and then we put the tuning fork next to the ping pong ball. The ping pong ball would then hit the tuning fork and continually bounce off the fork due to the vibrations. Then last but not least we would strike the tuning fork with a pencil and place it in a tub full of water. Once the fork made contact with the water the water splashed around due to the vibrations. Therefore in conclusion sound is a vibration of molecules.

XCC:Cause and Effect:
The vibration that is sound doesn't just stop at vibration, I mean how would you hear it. That's why sound has a power that cause and effect reveals. For example the echo. Have you ever yelled into a cave "Hello" and you heard your voice call back to you. That echo is produced by your voice or more so your voices vibrations hitting a surface like a wall and bouncing back at you. That's why an echo has a delay because it has to take the time to hit something and then com back to you. So the cause of an echo is your voice and the effect is of course the echo!

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