Saturday, March 10, 2018

Digital Vs Analog
Summary: Analog Vs Digital. Which side are you on? Well before you make your choice let me explain a little more in depth what each is. An analog signal is a analogy of the wave its interpreting. For example when a analog technology tracks sound waves it gives a good analogy of what the sound wave is interpreting making them look smooth like you can see up above. Then you have digital. Digital is a when you have certain number ranges and they transfer the original wave for example sound and use the ranges they have in numbers to get a good representation of what they wave represents. This is bad however because waves are smoothed and curved meaning when you do these ranges you miss out on some information. Yet digital is good in the sense that is is transferable for example you can send music to someone across the country because its just a bunch of numbers.

S&EP: Conducting Investigation:
You may hear all this stuff and digital vs analog but the best way to really see if you truly do miss out on some of the quality and sound when it comes to sound waves it by doing an investigation. We had a student record himself playing a song with his flute. We listened to the quality and sound of that. They we listened to the same student on the same instrument with the same song play the same thing and just but that investigation we determined as a class that when its recorded sound loses its quality and fullness. Digital gets rid of some of the sound that you will hear when it is done live.

XCC: Energy and Matter:
There is a lot to know about sound and most you must be asked the question what medium does sound travel through best; liquid,gas,or solid. If you guessed gas you are correct and ill tell you why. You see sound is a vibration of molecules which means when the closer the molecules are the more efficiently they can pass the energy that the vibration produces between them. So that is why a solid which had its molecules more dense and connected is able to carry sound so well because the molecules can transfer the vibration from one to another very efficiently and quickly while with things like liquids and gases the molecules are more spread out making the vibrations harder to pass.

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