Sunday, January 28, 2018

Regrade on Speed Mastery Quest

Question 4:  The actual answer is 180 meters over the course of 15 minutes and the reason I had gotten it wrong originally is because when I was multiplying the first time I cared over the one but after using it forgot to cross it out making the answer 280 instead of 180.

Question 5: The actual answer is it takes 39 hours to get the Michigan but I stopped doing the problem mid way not dividing all the way down to 39.

Question 6: The actual answer is 1.17647059 and the reason I messed up originally is because I converted it to kilometers but I didn't do the last step and divide that number by one which gives us our answer.

Question 8: The actual answer is 875. I originally carried out the zeros out too long making my answer in the thousands instead of the hundreds. There was no reason to add a zero at the end.

Question 10: The actual answer is 0.5 m/s and the reason I got this wrong is because I divided time over distance instead of distance over time. I didn't ever work it out properly.

Question 12: The actual answer is the highest speed on the graph is the first one or distance 15 and time 20. I originally made a pretty terrible graph so I had no clue. The scale on my x axis was so large determining a proper answer was very difficult. It took just comparing the final velocity of all the points to see that the first one was the highest speed.

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