S&EP: This week we started to conduct an investigation. I just thought that this investigation was the coolest thing. we have started our learnings in how things get in and out of the cell through the cell membrane. So we have used instead of the cell an egg. They have been soaked in vinegar and now we must see how different liquids go through the egg's "cell membrane". we are all conducting an investigation to see how this all works and already looked to see what we think will absorb the most. I am anticipating the result and am eager to find out. Now let's get into the XXC.
XXC: This week I saw Cause an Effect. First of all i'm not sure if you would consider this a cycle of cause and effect but close enough. I got to closely observe how plants "breath in" and "breath out" .I know it sound odd but really the do in a way. You can think of photosynthesis as breathing in. Then cellular respiration in like the process of breathing out. The breathing in causes breathing out and it repeats. That's all i got for now see ya next week on the adventures of 7th grade science.
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