Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dirt and Soil

Summary: This week we have been learning the basics about soil.We have been researching background information on it to get to understand what soil is. We also have been learning about weathering and erosion. I was reminded that erosion is the process of moving broken down rocks. Weathering is breaking down rocks. We have also been learning about how soil helps us.Most of what we have learned is introductory. That is what we have been doing this week.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:This week we obtain information mostly.For example we go information from the book and website provided. We answered the background information. The questions they asked where mostly like what is soil ? ,what is soil made of?, what lives in soil?, etc. We did a lot of this kind of work thought out the week. We also watched a video telling us about soil and another video telling us about weathering and erosion. So this week we did lots of information gathering. Kind of laying down a foundation for the rest of the unite.

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