Saturday, November 21, 2015

Natural Diaster Essay

Our group has done research and we have found the safest place in america. The safest place is Las Vegas,New Mexico.It has the least natural diasters it only has thunderstorms and they are not that bad. It is  also is very rocky there so it has a lower chance of getting tornadoes.Tornadoes are horrible.Las Vegas New Mexico is a very safe and good place to be. That is why we picked it.

It is almost free of everything because it dodges many area of  natural diasters. First it is not in tornado alley.Tornadoes are deadly and could easily kill you. They are a spiraling colon of wind  that  moves fast near homes and cites. It mostly goes in tornado alley because it is flat there so it is easier to form there.Secondly it misses the San Andreas Fault. That is a plate that has earthquakes a lot. Earth quakes are when  the ground under you starts to split and shake. They are definitely the deadliest of them all.It is violent and its not a good thing to be in. Las Vegas New Mexico is also really safe because of that. 

Its it is really safe it does not even have blizzard.So many states have them in upper usa. Blizzards can bring bad things like frostbite, frozen wildlife and properties. Blizzards are when a lot of snow get picked up by air and wind and starts to blow around and  freeze you and other things.It misses lots of very dangerous things.It also misses wildfires. Unlike places like California and Texas it  misses the wild spread of wildfires.They do things like destroy homes, trees,grass,and forests. Wild fires are like they sound they are uncontrolled fires that move quickly across these things I have listed .It can even burn whole towns.They are in a really good spot because they are away from these.

Another thing it does not have is tsunamis. Tsunamis happen on the coast and it manges to miss it even though it is near the coast. Tsunamis can flood whole cites and drown people. They build up in the oceans and  come in a huge wave that is caused by an earth quake. It is super scary but they do not have to deal with that like other states do.They have been safe from all these things. They have a really safe state.

Ok now I will tell you the one yes only one thing that happens here.The natural diaster is thunderstorms. Thunder storms are a big storm with lightning and thunder.Most of the time the scariest thing about it is the sound it  makes a big bang will scare people.If you are safe in our home you should be fine. If you in your home you will never get hit. If you where to visit then you would just need to be inside.These are the reasons why you should go to  Las Vegas ,New Mexico  because its safe from harm.

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