Thursday, March 30, 2017

Chemical Reactions
Summary:Chemical reactions are when you have an element reacting to another. For example Lithium and water. Lithium will catch on fire and admit gas when in contact with water. These happen to be examples of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions can change temperature, change color, changing smell and or turning into a solid. If you see any of these things will doing a lab you make be experiencing a chemical reaction.

S&EP: This week we Conducting Investigations. We played this game were we were creating chemical reactions. This was all about looking around the room to find the elements, mixtures, or compounds. It was like a big puzzle where you have to find the right fit. Investigations are just further discovery which is what I believe chemistry is all about. Discovering new things based on looking closer than ever before. That's what I believe the game was teaching us. You need to look at all the clues to discover the way out.

XCC: This week we worked with Cause and effect.  Lets put liquid nitrogen and water together. Pow you are suddenly engulfed in a thick white smoke. You now have a masterful disguise on your hands just like a ninja. So does this mean Ninjas are actually chemist in disguise? Thats a theory for another day but lets look a little closer at this " magic trick". So first lets say we have a cup of water/H20. What causes this H20 to turn into this thick white smoke? Well thats easy the effect of adding in liquid nitrogen. Cause and effect is everywhere in chemistry you just have to look beyond the "magic" to see the magicians tricks.

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