Thursday, April 6, 2017

Women's Rights Article Blog

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Summary: Women's Rights is everywhere. The problem affects each and every one of us. This article covered how Women's Rights affect our women college students. They interviewed women and there were a wide range of ideas/ opinions but they all cried out one thing " We deserve better". Some came from religious standpoint and others standing for protection and safety. Did you know that annually there are 250,000 cases of attempted rape against women. We all deserve better and its time for the world to show it.

Zimmerman, Eilene. "On Campus, Embracing Feminism and Facing the Future." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Mar. 2017. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.

S&EP: This article used Conducting Investigations. The author of this article had been curious on the opinions of women college students. The best way to get anything done is to go out and do it so she did just that. They looked deeply into their sides on a women's roles, wage gaps, and even religious standpoints. She discovered that " Women now account for the majority of college students, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, 11.3 million of them as compared with 8.7 million men. And 63 percent identify as feminist." These facts made her want to explore more on these minorities feelings. Change has to be made and shining a little light always helps everyone.

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