Thursday, November 5, 2015

Natural Hazards Part 2
 Summary: In Part 2 of this project we learned about tornadoes,thunderstorms, and a little on blizzards. We have to write about these natural disasters. I learned  interesting facts like how thunderstorms can form tornadoes and make a "thundernado", sounds crazy right, just like this picture. I also got to find out where they were located, For example did you know that the area where tornadoes are is called the "Tornado Alley." These are just a few things I learned this week.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information: We used this practice by looking up information on natural disasters.We used the paper to record our findings so we can use all the papers to make a conclusion. That conclusion is what is the safest place in America.We had to be able to determined 4 questions. What it is/ description, Where they occur/ Geographic occurrences, How they form/Formation Conditions,and The Resources used. So that is what we have had to do this week.

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