Saturday, October 10, 2015

Volcanoes and Mountains

This week we learned more about volcanoes and mountains. I learned how volcanoes can be different shapes. We did not learn as much about mountain, but I learned that most of the time the top of a mountain  is the oldest part. Additionally, I learned how mountains also can have fossils in them. This week, I learned so much more about mountains and volcanoes. It was super cool!

SP2: Developing and using models:Also this week,  we made a model of Mt. Everest. In this model, we got to see the different layers of rocks and which places the different rocks go. It is not not the layers of the earth. In this model, it showed layers rocks that are in the mountain. With the model,  I learned that Mt. Everest used to be in the ocean. You could see this because at the very top there are ancient sea animal fossils. So, this shows how Mt. Everest was formed. It can also show some history of the mountain. Finally, we were able to see what types of rocks it is mostly made of. Overall, this model gave me a better understanding of the mountain and its history.

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