Saturday, October 17, 2015

Siberian Traps
This week I learned about the Siberian Traps and we did a project where we had to pick a landform, research it, and make a model of it. I learned many new things about this unique landform.  For instance, I learned that it was a landform which is currently a mountain, but about 250 million years ago it was a super volcano! This super volcano caused a mass extinction event killing 93% of marine animals and 70% of the land animals. I loved getting to learn about the history of landforms, it's always very exciting.  As you might guess, this volcano made a BIG impact on everything on the planet.

SP2: Developing and using models:This week we made a model of the Siberian traps.We used materials like glue,dirt,cardboard,and paper. I think the model show a great example of what it would look like. at first we were going to use clay to cover it all. Then we thought that dirt would be better. So we got glue and now we have it all. The model helped me understand what the Siberian traps looked like because well I can t go there for myself and see.This model I am very proud of it look great and helps people understand the Siberian traps better.

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