Thursday, October 29, 2015

Natural Disasters
This week we have been doing a project on Natural Disasters. We started by getting a paper on a natural disaster, such as, wildfires and thunderstorms. Then, we filled in the answers with data we have researched online. For example, our first paper was on wildfires. We worked to find out where they occur and how they were formed.  The purpose of the project was to figure out what the safest place in America is. So, we had to research and find out which place have the least natural hazards occurrences.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information: I used scientific text from the link provided from our science class to find important information and evidence about natural disasters, such as, wildfires and thunderstorms . I read about how they form, where they occur, and what they are. We used this information to fill out sheets with questions on them to get our data so we can eventually get to a conclusion about what place in america is the safest to live. We have worked on the papers wildfires, thunderstorms and some of hurricane. We have started to learn which places seem to have lots going on. All this information I just know will lead us to our conclusion.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Siberian traps Presentation

This week we presented  landform detective project.We did the Siberian Traps. We presented our project in front of the class. When we presented our project we used Ignite Presentations.  They advance the slides automatically every fifteen seconds. 

Backward Looking: Before I started this project I did not even know that most of these landforms existed. I had never heard of the Siberian Traps and it stood out at me. I was mostly intrigued by it when I found out it was actually a volcano. Also, this is one of the world's coldest places. I really was surprised. It was also a very deadly eruption. So, I just thought that was crazy and interesting.

Inward looking: I really liked our work. I am very proud of what we did. I wish that for the presentation we would have gone slower because we felt rushed. I also wanted to show of the model more, so that was a bummer. For the most part, it was a great project and it was fun to do. I really think it was cool to learn about.

Outward Looking: I think that our presentation style was like everyone in our class. Most people did the same thing where they had to talk so fast. So, we were not the only ones. I do think that we did are model different though. Most people used just paint or clay but we used actual dirt. So we were different in that way. I also think that even though are mountains were different. I felt our model was unique to many of the other presentations. 

Forward Looking: I wish that we had stuck to the plan to let Frank be the presenter for our group. Unfortunately, one of our teammates  wanted to see who would be best for the job. It was a little bit of a power struggle.  Then she got to be it and she got really stressed out. So in that regard, I wished we would have just let Frank present as planned. Otherwise, the overall project was great. However, that is what I would have changed if it were possible.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Siberian Traps
This week I learned about the Siberian Traps and we did a project where we had to pick a landform, research it, and make a model of it. I learned many new things about this unique landform.  For instance, I learned that it was a landform which is currently a mountain, but about 250 million years ago it was a super volcano! This super volcano caused a mass extinction event killing 93% of marine animals and 70% of the land animals. I loved getting to learn about the history of landforms, it's always very exciting.  As you might guess, this volcano made a BIG impact on everything on the planet.

SP2: Developing and using models:This week we made a model of the Siberian traps.We used materials like glue,dirt,cardboard,and paper. I think the model show a great example of what it would look like. at first we were going to use clay to cover it all. Then we thought that dirt would be better. So we got glue and now we have it all. The model helped me understand what the Siberian traps looked like because well I can t go there for myself and see.This model I am very proud of it look great and helps people understand the Siberian traps better.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Volcanoes and Mountains

This week we learned more about volcanoes and mountains. I learned how volcanoes can be different shapes. We did not learn as much about mountain, but I learned that most of the time the top of a mountain  is the oldest part. Additionally, I learned how mountains also can have fossils in them. This week, I learned so much more about mountains and volcanoes. It was super cool!

SP2: Developing and using models:Also this week,  we made a model of Mt. Everest. In this model, we got to see the different layers of rocks and which places the different rocks go. It is not not the layers of the earth. In this model, it showed layers rocks that are in the mountain. With the model,  I learned that Mt. Everest used to be in the ocean. You could see this because at the very top there are ancient sea animal fossils. So, this shows how Mt. Everest was formed. It can also show some history of the mountain. Finally, we were able to see what types of rocks it is mostly made of. Overall, this model gave me a better understanding of the mountain and its history.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tectonic Plates and how they work

This week we learned about plate tectonics. We learned about how they collide together and they move. There are only two kinds of plates. Oceanic and continental. The things that they can do are what really though that is what makes up some of are earth.So they can move in ways that what makes things like volcanoes mountain and things like that.

SP2: Developing and using models:This  week we made a model. We use three thing frosting,fruit roll ups,and gram crackers. We used the fruit rolls to represent the oceanic crust. We used the frosting to represent the mantle and the gram crackers to represent the continental crust. For example one thing we did was get two graham crackers and get them a little wet on one side of each then we put those sides next to each other and pushed them together . Then they squished and made a bump that represented mountains. So this week was really fun and we even got to eat it after!