Friday, December 19, 2014

Sienna's Severe Weather Project Reflection

Severe Weather Project Reflection

This week we finished up are Severe Weather Project Reflection. We did the board game option.

This week I learned that I need to keep track of my work. Or in other words I need to learn how to make a good time plan for each assignment I do. It was very hard this week to do that with to major project due the same week! So that is what I thought was hard. Next time I will try to improve this skill.

This week I felt very rushed. I think I didn't think out my plan very well to juggle two assignments. After I got all the cards done I was not as stressed. Then I was very excited to make my game board. In my opinion I think it was a success.

This week my partner did basically everything the same as everyone else. The one thing that made it different was that we had chance cards in are deck. Not everyone had chace cards so that made it special. I really think that it made the game more enjoyable. So that is what we did slightly different.

A goal I would like to set myself next semester is that I keep track of my time. I would have been lease stressed out. This will help me stay more organized.  This week I have not done this as well as I could have. This Is what I want to improve on.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Natural Disasters Board Game

Natural Disasters Board Game

This week we started an assignment on natural disasters. I had pick the board game option.

 Before we started I only knew a very little amount of information on this subject. Now I have learned about drought, hurricanes, etc. To be more specific I had learned that drought happen most commonly in the USA. For example we are currently in a drought in San Jose.  The drought we are in is not as severe as the ones we've had before.

This week I learned that  I am a better learner when the project uses visual. That mean a project that we look at articles or websites for. I noticed this when I was looking up the information on the websites that you provided for us. This helped me better understand confusing concepts. One confusing part of the project was when we had to find how to be Safe and how to prepare.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cartoon of Water Cycle 12/5

Water Cycle Cartoon

This week we played a water cycle game. Then we wrote a story about the water cycle in process.

This week the resources that was the most helpful to me was the game we played. This game gave us the basic layout of our stories. I hope we use games more often because they helped me understand the project better. This game was cool, because it was random. You never knew what you'd be getting. This was by far my favorite resource overall.

I loved this project. It let me show my creative side more than your work side.  I liked how Mrs. Garcia made a game out of it instead of just having us write the same stories. I honestly liked it all and I have nothing negative to say about it. Overall, I liked the drawing part the best. I hope we can do something like this again!