This week we have been continuing the Environmental Detective Unit. We have been looking further into the mystery of who is really killing the fish. We have many suspects but we are doing the science behind it. we have done he science to see two thing. One how Acidic water is in certain areas. Then the second one was the sediment where we saw how dirty the water was in certain areas.
This week we have been analyzing a lot of data. This week we have been doing experiment with the water and testing to see if what a certain place happens to be doing to our environment is the main factor of the fish kill. The first experiment we did was a ph strip experiment. That is where you test to see how acidic water is. Just like for use we can't breath in acid it could kill us so it could do the same to the fish. Then the second test we did was to see how murky the water is. The fish can't live if the water is to hot. Also this makes it so alge can't grow which takes down the food chain. all of this is very good data that would make us think that they are doing it but we have many more test to run.
This week we worked with patterns. I think we worked with patterns this week because patterns can be like cause and effect. Like the natural pattern is if fish don't have healthy water then there food don't grow and without food they die and so on and so on. This is how things work to be more specific this is mostly the pattern that the food change takes place in. In our world we have many patterns not just the ones we have in our closet. We also talked about another natural patterns the water cycle. It always looks the same and is a series of event that repeat. |
This week I was a wanderer learner.
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