Thursday, February 25, 2016

Environment Detective launch

This week we have learned about the problem with the fish in the river that raging waters gets t water from. We have been assigned to be detectives on what is truly causing this problem. we have been seeing all the variables or suspect of this matter that could be killing the fish. We have to see what is the main contributor. We are the Bay Area's fish problem detectives.

This week I have been Conducting Investigations. We have used the are information that we see make to make hypothesis on how they could be affecting the river. We have used prior knowledge on what these places do to help us investigate the true culprit. There are many variables in this investigation so we need to figure out who affecting the fish the most killing them off. The fish in the water are dying it our jobs to find out the most likely person to do this. We are investigating the whole area around this river.

Cause and Effect: When you're working with a mystery there is always cause and effect. For example, because the farmer is using fertilizer near the water the fish are being poisoned. Everything must have a cause. In this project it all about this aspect, we need to be able to track the cause to really know who made this effect. With this we can learn more about what killed the fish.

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