Friday, September 25, 2015

The earth

This week we learned about the earth and what it is like. We learned that there are layer to the earth. We also learned how to the continents were once connected. There are things called tectonic plates that moves them. This is all in the lithosphere that is the top of the earth's layers.  

This week we made models. They were to represent how the earth build up after time. we had time to build them first was 5 mins than 7 than  10. each time we did it more and more. We also used tem to represent how the continents move by sliding them. Just like the tectonic plates. We used a picture of this fence it was right where the middle of two plates where. Then one day there was an earthquake and the fence moved. so we did that too with this model. So we did a lot this week with models.

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