Sunday, September 6, 2015

Project blog paper towel edition

Image result for paper towel

This week we did an experiment on paper towels. First we got two different kinds of paper towels. Then we got them wet with two squirts of water. Finally we put pennies on the paper towels and saw which paper towel could hold more when wet. After we did that we counted all the pennies and saw which brand held the most. So this week was great.

When we first started I did not know which brand would be better. I made my hypothesis that the Kirkland brand paper towel would hold 200 more than the other brand. It was really cool because in the end my hypothesis was right. I also did not expect that we needed so many pennies. We used over 400 on the Kirkland brand paper towel and for  the other brand it used over 200.

I liked doing this experiment it was fun. It was a little hard when we did not know what the other brands name was.So that was kind of annoying. The other thing is I was gone for a day so I was behind on some group work. I have to say over all it was a great experiment. It keep me guessing I did not now what would happen. I did not even think we would need so many pennies to break it. So this week my feelings on this experiment was good .

If I were to grade myself I would give are group a 9/10. I would give us this score because one thing that would be hard is if you were to try to run this experiment you would not get the same answers because we did not know what the mysterious towel was. So I think that was kind of bad but for the most part we all did good. We worked together and all had a part in the experiment. So that is why I would give us this score.

If I could do one part over again is I wish we did more than two squirts of water on the towel.I would want to do this because it was so hard to break the towels. It took so many pennies. So if I added more it would make it ten times easier on us. We also would have not had to count as many pennies as we did. It could have helped a little on the time it took to conduct the experiment as well. So that is what I would change.

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