Summary: This week we have been working on the scientific method cartoon. Mine is about a bunny who gets sick from a food so its owner want to find out what food is bad. It goes thought the scientific method to find out what the food is. She used all the steps and found out that the bad food was and told everyone at here club. So that is what we did this week.
Backward Looking:This week the way I could have improved is I could have made more squares by making each square smaller. Then I could have made the cartoon even cooler and I could have explained more. I could have also colored it more. Like I could ahve made a backround for each square. So those are the two thing I would do.
Inward Looking: This week I really liked the work. It was fun to be able to make up your own problem and answer. I really enjoyed drawing and making this. I do wish I could have done more. For the most part though I thoughth it was good. Next time if I do this I would want to so do some thing that could not happen for real like a zombie attack or something. So I really liked this week.
Outward Looking: I think that even though we all had differnent stories they all had the same process of doing there work. For example we all did are drafts and we all went in the same order. It was really good to do that because you could ask for help if you were stuck on any thing and you could kind of work as a team. So I think we all worked in the same way. I really liked that this week.
Forward looking: As I look at this piece I would say I would want all my art to look the same. What I mean is I wish all my charectes looked the same in all my pictures. In my opinion they kind of look different as the story goes on. So that is one thing I would change because I kind of think it weird looking that they are different. So that is one of the few things I would change on my project.