Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lots of work

Surprise: I was surprised that I did not turn in my practice slip in till Thursday. I was surprised by that because I usually turn it in on Tuesday or even Monday.

In the past I usually used paper instead most of the time. In this assignment we had to use Google documents. We had to answer the questions provided on the document. We also had to highlight when it asked questions like highlight objects that is matter. So in the past thing were really different.

I liked my work this week because we could play games and watch videos. Well, only the ones provided.  They were usually from the same web site. They were still really fun. That was my favorite thing about this.

For this assignment I think that my work was at standard and that I will get a good grade on it. This is because I spent a lot of time and effort on it.  This  assignment was hard though. I really tried my best this week. In my opinion I still liked it.

One thing I would improve on is keeping track of time. I had to do thing last minute in my opinion. I have a hard time doing this. So it will benefit me if I
did keep track. This is what I would like to improve upon.

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