Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Rain forest's importance

The Rainforest

All organisms can have a big impact on the rainforest. An example is the red eyed tree frog ,which I learned about this week.
I started this project with alot of info  that I already knew. Like where Red eye tree frogs live which is in the rain forest. However, I did not know all about the red eye tree frogs at first.  Something I didn't' know was that they are nocturnal, which means there active at night. Another interesting fact I learned is that they are carnivores, or meat eaters, as well. Finally didn't know that If the red eye tree frog was gone that the whole ecosystem would be off balance which would cause overpopulation in its prey and overpopulation in its predators.

I liked the work this week because we learned about the importance of every animal's role in an ecosystem. I also liked that we got to learn about an animal and what it does to the environment. Then we got to figure out what eats it as well.
Meanwhile we learned new and exciting facts about creatures. Then we got to make a food web chart of what eats what and who eats who. After all this week  my  favorite thing we did has to be that I got to learn the importance of every organism  and that I can make a difference in the rainforest as well.

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