Saturday, April 29, 2017

Mr. PobbleBot
 Summary:  Did you ever expect Chemicals to be this fun. Chemical Reactions are everywhere in our world. Well let me tell you all about how chemical reactions and games doesn't have to be like the combination of noble gases and alkali metal( not likely). Legends of Learning is a website designed to improve your education and understanding about topics like Chemical Reactions.

S&EP: This week we explored Conducting Investigations. This week  we got a wonderful opportunity to ask the creator of Mr. PobbleBot some questions about his game. I think this was almost like an investigation because we got to learn about the path he took to create a game that would engage the students. It really helps me understand that the topics im learning now could lead me to a path such as game creation. It was so amazing to learn about game creation in general.

XXC: This week we explored Cause and Effect. Other than Legends of Learning we learned about Exothermic and Endothermic. We all know the Law of Conservation.  No energy can be created or destroyed. So in every chemical reaction the energy needs to come from somewhere. When we have our Endothermic Reaction it needs extra energy or more so it takes in more energy. So where does this energy come from? Actually the energy comes from the air around your reaction. The atoms pull in extra electrons from the other elements around it. This therefore makes the reaction colder. Then we have Exothermic. Exothermic reactions actually expel energy. This means the reactions will put protons and electrons. This therefore makes your reaction colder.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Relationships and the Elements
 Summary: Isn't bonding great? You have probably seen it everywhere. Especially in Hollywood. Relationship after Relationship. Lets talk about some types of Relationship. First of all the classic , your 1 + 1 = 2. This is when two people/ elements combine together in a relationship were they can create something entirely new. Of course we know that not relationships work so we have the decomposition of a relationship this is when those combined elements split apart once more and become single. These are just two examples of kinds of combinations. There are so so much more. I think this just got interesting....

S&EP: This week we explored Asking Questions and Defining Problems. This is a question that all Sieber fans have been asking for years. Why oh why did Selena and Bieber break up? Just kidding but we did ask ourselves how do our atoms relationships compare to that of Selena and Bieber's. Different elements combine to become complete. That's why maybe one element sees another that will make it become closer or fully complete in its most outer energy level, sorry but old relationship over. That is considered a Single Displacement. Then lets say that sad rejected element finds some other element to complete them. On top of this being a happily ever after for all the elements its also considered a Double displacement.

XCC: Matter matters. You even matter. Plus us and anything that has mass is Matter. That's why when we are looking into atoms its almost as if we are looking at tiny pieces of who we are. We can see how we are connected. How everything is built upon something smaller. Understanding the connections that are within our world such as the connections elements can have. Neat right?

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Women's Rights Article Blog

Image result for women's rights

Summary: Women's Rights is everywhere. The problem affects each and every one of us. This article covered how Women's Rights affect our women college students. They interviewed women and there were a wide range of ideas/ opinions but they all cried out one thing " We deserve better". Some came from religious standpoint and others standing for protection and safety. Did you know that annually there are 250,000 cases of attempted rape against women. We all deserve better and its time for the world to show it.

Zimmerman, Eilene. "On Campus, Embracing Feminism and Facing the Future." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Mar. 2017. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.

S&EP: This article used Conducting Investigations. The author of this article had been curious on the opinions of women college students. The best way to get anything done is to go out and do it so she did just that. They looked deeply into their sides on a women's roles, wage gaps, and even religious standpoints. She discovered that " Women now account for the majority of college students, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, 11.3 million of them as compared with 8.7 million men. And 63 percent identify as feminist." These facts made her want to explore more on these minorities feelings. Change has to be made and shining a little light always helps everyone.