Friday, January 27, 2017

Villain Body Systems

Summary: This week we have been working the body systems. We have been using our knowledge of the body systems to explain them and make then evil for our villain. We have been working hard to make a powerful villain. An example is for the villains ears in normal mode they are like nay human ears but once she transforms into a villain they become very powerful and can hear extremely well. They also get bigger and transform into more of a bat ear. This is just one thing a villain can change into. Your imagination is the only limits. Body systems are things like your skeletal system, muscular system and more. These all are created to work together. Unlike our villainous systems that are over powered and disproportionate all these systems are balanced. An example of this balance is that the respiratory system has the lungs but the lungs fix in a certain space only because the skeletal system has the rib cage that fits around your lungs from protection. Without this balance there would be major problems within the body.

S&EP: This week we we have been Analyzing Data. We have been drawing alot this week especially the body systems. This required us to be able to understand by our reading what these systems look like and how they function. To get the best and most accurate drawing we had to really think about these systems on a different level. You also had to think when we made the systems evil how we could use the original design and improve it. really it was just a redesign of the system making it different but it usually did serve the same purpose. Drawing this was really fun and I feel that understanding more able your creation is always good.

XCC: This week we worked with Systems and System Models. This week we have been looking closer at 4 body systems. I picked to look at the skeletal system, eye, ear, and nervous system. Looking at all of these systems really helps you see all the moving parts within all of them. An example is for the skeletal system it's not just bones but bone marrow, joints, and sockets. It all works together to make the function of the skeletal system. If one piece was missing then it would all fall apart. This was so interesting also to see how whole body systems work with others. All together with all these systems it makes us as humans it's really something we should all look into. I'm just glad I got a opportunity to look at it in another way.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Genetic Engineering

Image result for genetic engineering

Summary: Genetic Engineering is the process of changing an organism by adding more genes or taking out genes to hopefully change their genetic makeup. Genetic Engineering is an extremely difficult process. First you must start out with  an organism with the trait you want to add. Then you take you the genes that create that trait in the organism. Once you have the genes from the organism you sort out from the thousand of genes you've collected and get the ones you will be putting into your organism you want to modify.  Now that you have those genes you have the make them suitable for the organism. Then after  that you start a process called gene method where you have gold particles covered in the wanted genes that are shot into the cells. Now your genes are inside the organism.

S&EP: This week we asked questions and defined problems.  This week we have had to ask many questions about genetic engineering and mutations. For me personally I have been studying genetic engineering and this has brought up many questions for me. Like how do you get the genes from one organism into another organism? Or like how do I frame a story around genetic modification ? Its amazing how research has given me the answers to all these questions. For my story I even used the research to make it realistic on how the process would work. I have also faced many problems with this though. Problems like how complex the process is. I didn't realize how complex it was till i really got into it. Over all though this didn't really matter in the end because I will still finish my story and make it great.

XCC: This week we talked about cause and effect. Researching genetic engineering has really shown me how much adding genes can change an organism. Adding genes is like the cause of the changings the organism will face. Then of course the effect is that your organism may develop a trait like large teeth or a huge mouth like my superhero experienced.  Genetic engineering is of course a very serious version of physical transformation. This cause and effect is very serious and changes the organism forever and even the offspring. Its crazy what science can do right?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Super Hero Genetics

Image result for cat woman and batman kids

Summary: This week we talked about determining offspring. We have in this case a superhero and a super villain having a child. I know what your'e thinking, that sounds like some kind of fanfiction or something but what if I told you this idea didn't have to be all made up in our heads. Using the power of genetics as we have learned we can actually figure out close to what the child may look like. First of all we must learn some basics of genetics. DNA is the blueprints that make up all living things. Since DNA of course isn't all the same there are alleles that determine your specific traits. These traits don't just come out of thin air they are passed down from your parents. You see so we can determine the child using the parents traits. So now our fan dreams can become a reality.

S&EP: This week we have been analyzing data. This week we have been using traits from both of the parents to get an understanding of what there super child will look like. You may be wondering how do you even do this and figure out how to organize all those possible combinations. Welcome the Punnet Square. This will help you determine what your favorite pairs kid may look like. Lets just say you wanted to see the hair color of the child and the mom had red hair and the dad had brown hair. From here we must see if those traits are dominant or recessive. Dominant is a trait that is the strongest or most powerful. Then of course recessive is the opposite the weaker trait. Now we have Mom's recessive red hair or hh and Dad's dominant brown hair or HH. Since the dominant trait is present twice for the father this means that the child will have a 100% chance of having brown hair. Using this technique we can begin to make a child... theoretically.

XCC: This week we have used scale, proportion and quantity. Now for all these wonderful ideas we've created for your perfect superhero child some artists out there may want to put these ideas to paper. This is were we use scale, proportion and quantity. These three things were and are very important when drawing your super child. In class we had to draw the superhero and villains baby based on the traits we determined earlier. I first had to use proportions to determine how big to make our characters body. When drawing you want to keep everything proportional for example the head must be a a reasonable size to the rest of the body. You don't want a mutant. Next we have scale. This is truly up to your character's size but if you're making let's say an ant sized character make sure your background reflects its height so don't make it bigger than a skyscraper. Now last of all quantity. Your character should be coming along nicely now so you may be thinking of some cool weapons to equip it with or something else cool. The quantity doesn't truly have a limit but I believe its important to keep your character simple. Try not to add to much of any feature. Like fifty blades gets boring after a while so keep it clean. Now that I have equipped you with all the tools to make the best fan super child possible go ahead and use your creativity to make your fan dreams come true.