Summary: You are filled with cells. Now think how did you get to that point. How did you get organs and tissues. There is an answer! Cell division. Cell division in the process where one cell becomes two cells. Disclaimer NO cells were hurt in this process. Now how is that so? How can a cell just appear out of another? Well you see there are 2 main steps that make this possible. Mitosis and Cythosis. The best way to think of Mitosis is as the Ctrl C and V part of this process. This makes sure the first cell doesn't just keep on ripping apart like a paper. This step also makes DNA. Yep DNA is the map of everything your made up of. You can kinda think of yourself as a building and the builders (cells) are using our blue prints to make you. Now there is Cytosis. Cythosis is the part where it stabilizes the new cell. It also starts adding in the nucleus and prepares it for the cycle to start over again.
S&EP: This week I constructed explanations and designed solutions. This week we did the cell division flip book. In this flip book we had to make the stages of cell division frame by frame. You can kinda think of it like stop motion. You can't make your pictures all over the place because your watcher will get lost and it would be jumpy. You also can't make it too slow because it will never move fast enough. We did have to use that happy medium to make the motions it goes through as best we could. If you were to look at the book you would learn a lot more about it and it could explain a lot about the topic. So this week we had to explain using this art flip book to help make others and ourselves better understand.
XXC: Systems and system models: This one was a no brainer. So for about 2 days this week we have been reviewing body systems. What are these systems you ask. They are groups of organs thats work together to complete a task such as digestion of breathing. These systems all help improve/ make possible our lives. These systems don't just come out of nowhere though you must start of with a group of cells. These groups of cells are all the same so they team up as tissues. Now that we got multiply tissues of the same function we get an organ. This organ performs a certain function then we start linking together and make a organ system. You get it now. Our bodies are full of systems and without them we could not function.
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