Monday, April 18, 2016

Message in a Bottle - The Great Bottle Trip

The people of the Galapagos Island was a small island and all the people on the island  had  grow up there never left. That all changed though one fine day. One day a plastic bottle floated near the island at the coast. The place it went was the Cline Family's Home. They where scientist that tracked the ocean around them. They mostly tracked the currents. So Mrs. Cline was taking her morning walk and she saw a strange cylinder shaped thing in the water. She went and looked at it a little closer and saw some words on it. It said " Great Bay Water Bottles" but the coolest thing about it was it floated on the water. In the future they would discover this was an example of density. Density is the ratio of mass to volume. She was so interested in this she went home to show her husband. When she got home she saw her husband bent over a work bench. " I can't figure it out I need do do something to test on my theories." "Hello guess what I found." Mrs Cline said. " Fruit" guessed Mr Cline. " No I found this floating bottle." she said. He jumped up from his work. " What a floating device this is what I need!" he said. He started to pace around the room in excitement. " Here" she said. Then for months they started to build. they made a giant bottle like a boat. In the Summer they set of on a great expedition to learn more about the sea and currents. They set of and a few weeks in they started one of there first tests. " We should research the water in the ocean." said Mr. Cline. " They may have something to do with the currents." Then they put a contraption meant for collecting water and they lowered it as far down as they could go. Then one they got that water they got some water from the surface of the water. Mr. Cline tested both of the waters and found out two things about each waters. The water from the bottom of the ocean's results  were it was cold and it was very salty. Then the water on the surface it was warm and was less salty. In the future they would figure out this is because of salinity. Salinity is the amount of salt int the water and in the ocean there are different levels of salinity. Mr. Cline tracked his theory of the currents though the 3 year journey. He was right he had figured all the currents and was the first person in the world to do so! Once the trip was over in the Santa Barbra Islands he got a hold of some really famous scientists. They had a huge board meeting about what he had learned. He talked about density, sanity and the currents. The scientist where fascinated with this and all his proof was solid. Mr. Cline and his wife became famous for what they had discovered. In the future they ever helped name the currents. the currents they rode on that great bottle Journey where the S. Equatorial Current, E. Counter Current, N. Equatorial Current, Subtropical Gyre, and California C.

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