Thursday, March 24, 2016

Globe Work
Summary: This week for a few days we have been studying the globe. We have been working on a paper and determining  information about trips across the world's oceans and land. We have been making up our own routes and seeing how long it would take,some struggles you would encounter, etc. We have been review the topic of longitude and latitude lines and have been using them alot. This week we have been exploring the globe.

This week we have been using models. We have been using blow up balls that look like the earth. We drew with dry eraser marker on them to trace some routes. We have been making some inferences too. We had to guess some struggles we may have because none of us have been to these places. We also had to use estimates on are pencils by using them to indicate days. This week we have been working with both math, inferences, and models.

This week we worked with cause and effect. When we were mapping out are routes across the ocean and continents we had to use cause and effect. we used it because none of us had been to these places but we did know some knowledge about them. First of all we went through egypt and we know egypt is hot. So I can conclude you  would struggle with heat because of the sun in egypt. That's not all we did a lot of this thinking this week to solve these problems.

This week I was a initiator learner.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Environmental Detective WAC Results for Mysterious Fish Kill

Dear Editor,

I am a detective for the Case of the Dying Fish in Gray Bay. For the past 3 weeks I have been researching different suspects for the fish kill. I have done a lot of studying to see which suspect does what effect to the environment. I have seen how these effect change the fish. I have finally concluded the true culprit. The culprit is Avery Wun, is guilty of the death of the fish

First of all Avery Wun if polluting the air with gas from her cars. This gas causes acid rain.From my studies I have learned that acid rain is very dangerous, for the fish and very few fish survive from it. The Acid Rain Files say " If the water becomes too acidic, some fish survive but many others die. even if the adult fish live, they may not be able to have babies." Avery Wun's cars are polluting the Gray Bay area with the gas from the cars that turn into acid rain. I have also learned that  The Rafta river is full of acid but I have an explanation. The gas from the cars that are in the city travels into the air and get turned into acid rain but while that happens the clouds move up near the Rafta and then it rains the deadly acid rain.

Second of all Avery Wun is also is adding oil to the water. As we all know oil is very deadly to animals. The results from the Oil Chromatography Test said that the oil in the water where a matter of fact from cars. These results mean nothing if you can't interpret them but luckily I have learned a little about oil. She even said herself that the oil is dangerous. At the meeting Avery Wun stated, " And FISH. I've read that oil can coat water animals and kill them. It's also poisonous if eaten. Some oil sinks to the bottom and harms the creatures that live there. It also affects the food chain. If one animal population dies from the oil, other animals that eat them will have less food to eat." These are solid facts that I know from prier knowledge they are true.Think of all the other cases, many fish kills are due to oil in the water. The oil has killed 14 fish but that is not the majority. I have an explanation though.

Acid rain also has another effect.The acid rain files have told us that acid rain can take away oxygen from the water. The way that it does this is because is it kills the algae and the algae is a main source of oxygen in the water. Think of algae as the waters trees if they die the fish will die along with it. Algae is also there food source so they will die either way. I learned this information from the acid rain files as well from this line " Most lakes are a little bit acidic, but the lakes with the most life in them are a little basic. Water plants can make more oxygen in lakes that are slightly basic. Water life needs oxygen in the water to breathe." This caught my eye because it proves that acidic rain can kill maybe not the fish directly but it will eventually. Without your food and water you can't survive. In the results for the Autopsy it said that 21 fish suffocated from lack of O2. So this just proves that she is guilty of the fish kill.

One thing you could say is the person killing the fish is Sandy Trapps because she was causing the algae bloom. She is over fertilizing her land to keep the grass green. An algae bloom can easily kill the fish. The reason why is because since there is so much algae the fish can't possible eat it all so they start to rot. The only place with this algae is James Pond. I learned the fact about the bacteria and algae from this statement that was in the algae bloom files." Too many water plant. If there are lots of dying water plants, the bacteria eating them that bacteria also eats up the O2 in the water.I do agree that there would have been a algae bloom but I some evidence that could prove differently. We are all familiar with the water cycle right? Well in the water cycle the clouds don't always move one way. I am saying that the acid rain coming for the city will go to James pond especially since it is only to the left of it. So eventually I move left and put acid rain in the pond. This acid rain will kill the algae making it so the algae bloom is not severe.So it would not be the thing killing the fish.

In conclusion Avery Wun is guilty. She is the true culprit of this fish kill. Avery Wun must change her ways. She must stop what she is doing or she should be punished.She has been hurting the environment and killing the ecosystem.Avery Wun is the one killing fish,the others have been unrightfully been blamed for killing the fish. I have found you true fish killing culprit. the only way to stop this is to change the way she runs her perorations . She need to stop polluting the air and poring oil in the water. After she does this things will go back to normal and the fish kill can stop.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Environmental Detective Part 2

 Summary:This week we have been doing more research to find out who is the true culprit of the fish kill. We have been investigatin by using scientific tools to determine what area is doing what effect. We have researched things like water life, bird, phosphates, algal, and so much more. We have been looking into the environmental state of this ecosystem. We have been trying to find out what would kill the fish the most.

This week we have been doing some Analyzing of Data. We have been using information we learn from test and connecting dots. we have been tracking thing made by humans and animals. we have been using scientific tools to find out information like how acidic the water is or how many phosphates do these places add? We been using this data to connect  the water to info. For example we have been using bio indicators such as duck and King fishers to find out about the algal bloom in the water.  This week we have been working on how to put our data with our info.

This week we have talked about Stability and Change. So from the beginning the problem has been that this environment is changing in a bad way and we need to figure out who has done it. The ecosystem is changing already. Without all the fish the kingfisher are dying and probably more animal will are are dying. We need to find out what is making this change happen and stop it before this food chain completely collapses.

This week I was a Wanderer Learner

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Environmental Detective Part 1

This week we have been continuing the Environmental Detective Unit. We have been looking further into the mystery of who is really killing the fish. We have many suspects but we are doing the science behind it. we have done he science to see two thing. One how Acidic water is in certain areas. Then the second one was the sediment where we saw how dirty the water was in certain areas.

This week we have been analyzing a lot of data. This week we have been doing experiment with the water and testing to see if what a certain place happens to be doing to our environment is the main factor of the fish kill. The first experiment we did was a ph strip experiment. That is where you test to see how acidic water is. Just like for use we can't breath in acid it could kill us so it could do the same to the fish. Then the second test we did was to see how murky the water is. The fish can't live if the water is to hot. Also this makes it so alge can't grow which takes down the food chain. all of this is very good data that would make us think that they are doing it but we have many more test to run.

This week we worked with patterns. I think we worked with patterns this week because patterns can be like cause and effect. Like the natural pattern is if fish don't have healthy water then there food don't grow and without food they die and so on and so on. This is how things work to be more specific this is mostly the pattern that the food change takes place in. In our world we have many patterns not just the ones we have in our closet.  We also talked about another natural patterns the water cycle. It always looks the same and is a series of event that repeat.
This week I was a wanderer learner.