Monday, August 24, 2015

Goals for 2015-2016

My first goal for this year is to get great grades.The reson why is because last year i got all A's and then in one class I got a B. So this year I want to make sure that does not happen. My second goal for this year is in band  we have back to school night so I hope I do relly well the because there is harder music there that I am playing. So that is one thing I hope goes well.

My third goal is to be able to read a clock well. It can be frustrating not being able to read them at scchool so that is a big goal for this year. Then my fourth goal is to be able to run faster in PE. I do not have much stamina so I lose energy quicker. I want to be able to be a stronger runner where I can run laps faster. So these are they goals I have for this year every year I want to be better.

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