Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hungergames rebelion

Surprise this article surprised me I did not know that people used hungergames to rebel. It is so surprising people even got tickets and gave them out at school to start the rebellion.

"Thailand's Army Arrests Students for Using Salute from "Hunger Games"" Newsela. Los Angeles Times,, 2014. Web. 21 May 2015.

Before i read this I did no even know that hungergames started rebellions.  Before I read this I did not even know that people did this kind of stuff.  I think it is very interesting to here about others and how they take a message because people interpret things different. One thing that I thought was weird is that the army helped instead of the government.

As a learner you can tell though my work I tend to pick things that i have heard of and that is popular. For instance I wanted to read this because it was about hungergames. So if you read this you can learn more about me. That is what you learned about me. I also kind of learned that about myself too.

This article really shows how this book and movie has changed the teens of this country. They are using this symbol from hunger games  to rebel. This affects the community because now you can not watch the movie. I wonder how this has happened. How does this rebellion start?

I wonder if other countries have gotten these similar rebellions.  I read. that China closed the movie. I wonder if other countries have done the same. Will this affect the creation of the next movie of hunger games. Well, that is what i wondered.

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