"This School in Japan Has Six Students." Newsela. Washington Post, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.
This article reminded me of my friend she use to go to a school with about that many kids in her grade. This I think is sad because you may not be able to be very social. This really shocked me that there is this much of a change. They said they do not have enough kids for a soccer team. This makes me think how great my life really is.
This affects me because it shows how many cities are so small and how smalls schools can be. We are lucky to have a place like adventure . In my opinion they should transfer some kids from schools with more kids in and bring them there. The last possibility they could do is combined their city with another so there schools would get more business. this really made me think that San Jose is so big with so many people in it that is not a really big problem.
This article shows that this city could possibly soon be completely be gone. This means that this could happen to other cities too. Then tokyo would get more people coming. This is really saddening. whole city's gone. I wish this will not happen in the future.
I think the author could do many things to expand on this topic. They could make a pie chart of how many people are lost every year. They could also talk about why people chose to stay in the city. These are all thing all thing important. I would really love to know it all.