Sunday, May 27, 2018

Scientist Wanted
Summary: Nikola Tesla is an highly influential man who was able to advance our worlds use of electricity. He made inventions such as the alternating current generator and helped with our current radio system. He even moved to america at one point and worked alongside Thomas Edison. He is well known now for being the inspiration behind the Tesla car brand due to it being an all electric car and him being an idol in the terms of advancements in electricity.

Conducting Investigations:
I wanted to ask myself and challenge myself throughout this project what was Nikola Tesla all about? In exploring his life's story I discovered he was born in 1856 July 10th and died on January 7 1943. He went to Graz University of Technology and University of Graz. He had 4 siblings Marica Kosanović, Angelina Tesla,Dane Tesla, and Milka Tesla.He was born in Smiljan, Croatia and his first job was as a assistant engineer. His life was filled with so many things even besides his greatest accomplishments and it's important to see those things. 

System and System Models: 
Nikola Tesla's most famous invention was the alternating current generator. Yet you may be asking how does this thing work? As the article How does an AC generator work and on what principle states; "The moving coil produces motional emfs on both sides of the coil. ... the speed at which the coil or magnetic field rotates. Making AC electricity. When a wire is moved in the magnetic field of a generator, the movement, magnetic field and current are all at right angles to each other.". This was revolutionary to how we generate power which truly makes him a man to remember.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Our Universe

Summary: Our universe is beautiful. There is so much to it. For example our sun. It is the star that our small piece of our galaxy needs. Did you know that the sun powers itself with nuclear fusion?  I converts hydrogen into helium in its core and when it does so it actually makes nuclear energy. Also one minute of nuclear energy from the sun is more nuclear energy that all of earths nuclear arsenal. Isn't that insane. Our sun in comparison to others is very small and us in comparison to many other things in other solar systems are nothing. The solar system is beautiful because of how vast and unknown it truly is making it so interesting to explore.

Using Models: Meet the pocket solar system. You'll love the innovation of the easy to make model of the solar system. You see surprisingly enough the solar system holds a pattern. That is why when you make this model you can use references starting with the sun and Kuiper Belt and build out from there. For example perfectly in half (relatively) between the Sun and Kuiper Belt is Uranus. More folding can lead you to finding saturn. Then Jupiter. All the way down to Mercury. Giving you the relative placement of all the planets!

Cause and Effect: Have you ever heard of a black hole? Or even a super nova? Well without cause and effect this wouldn't be possible. You see inside a star nuclear fusion is happening all the time. Hydrogen turning into helium and over time the power of the fun decreases until it dies. Dying for a star is called a super nova. Supernova's are catastrophic explosion. To gie you scale the day our sun explodes we will all die. It would take 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the light to travel to earth from the super nova and we wouldn't even know it happened till after those 8 minutes. After the life of our sun or any star it tend to leave a black hole which sucks in everything around it pulling it in.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Stress on the Brain

Summary: Stress on the brain. Stress can be good at times. It can push you to do better and when it comes down to it it is your fight or flight sense protecting you. Yet the real problem is when you have too much stress. Stress has many effects such as shrinking the brain, handicapping your learning, and messing up your social skills. This is a few of many effects stress can have on the brain now let me tell you the science behind it all.

Analyzing Data:
  You see as we learned what stress really does to the brain we had to reflect upon it to help a survivor of a natural disaster who would be experiencing such stress to get better. Stress releases a hormones in your brain that in abundance an be deadly to the portion of your brain called the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for your learning, long term memory, and other things. Stress can reduce the connections in this section of the brain. As a survivor of something as traumatic as a natural disaster you suffer from a major amount of stress and of course suffer the affects. We had to formulate a plan in which the survivor could follow in order to reduce this oncoming stress. Suggestions included meditation, exercise. reconnecting to your faith and talking to other survivors. All these actions reduce the level of stress in your body making it so survivors don't have to suffer.

Stability and Change:
When it comes to trauma things change yet not always so quickly. People who suffer something traumatic tend to be later diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This causes of course a reworking on how the brain functions day to day. Almost rewiring you in a way that functions in a manner towards the disorder. For a person that suffers from any of these illnesses it is important to gain control of the anxieties that come with the trauma and come to term with all that happened. Talking through things with other people who have suffered similar things or even a therapist can give survivors back their control and stabilize them over time.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Seasons, Eclipses, and Tides Regrade

Question 5:  What season is the Northern Hemisphere in in position #3?: As you can see the correct answer for what season position 3 is is actually fall. To prove this you can even see that in position 2 the northern hemisphere is the most directly facing the sun during that time and just by basic logic you can deduct that since the season after summer is fall position #3 therefore is going to be fall.

Question 6: What season is the Northern Hemisphere in in position #4?: With the same kind of reasoning as before since we know that position #3 is fall due to the order of how our seasons shift ( spring summer fall and winter) we know that the season following fall is always winter. Yet another way to tell is by looking at the poles. You can tell the best which season it is by which pole is pointed towards the sun. As you can see the south pole is closer and pointed closer to the sun than the north pole which is on the opposite side to the sun.

Question 12:   Which tide happens when the sun, earth, and moon, and aligned?:The actual answer is spring tides because when the lunar eclipse is happening you have a full moon which I know this is a lunar eclipse because the formation described was sun earth moon meaning the earth blocks the sun. Well anyways it is a full moon in this position and as we know on a new moon and full moon the earth has spring tides.
Info from this article:

Question 14: What happens when there is a spring tide?: As we discovered in the article spring tides are extremely strong/ high tides. They occur when the moon has a very strong gravitational pull.
Link to info:

Question 17: Why do we experience  the changing of seasons on earth?: We experience the changing of seasons on earth because of the earths tilt on its axis. Since the earth is tilted at approximately 23.5 degrees at different points in its rotation around the sun you get which side of the earth shifting and showing different levels of preference when it comes to direct sunlight.

Question 18: When the moon is at full moon or new moon, what type of tide will we experience?
As we know from the fact that the lunar eclipse is a full moon we know that a full moon and new moon produces spring tides!
Info from this article:

Question 19: What season is the Northern Hemisphere in position 4?:
The Northern Hemisphere is in summer. Same logic we applied before we can see that the north pole or the line representing the north pole is pointing the most towards the sun. The tilt of the earth is favoring the northern hemisphere making it so they have the most direct sunlight during this time.

Question 20: what season is the Southern Hemisphere in position 4?:
Due to the fact that the Northern Hemisphere is getting summer time and since we can expect this means the northern hemisphere is getting the most amount of direct sunlight we can assume by logic that the Southern hemisphere can't  be getting that direct sunlight due to it being on the opposite of the northern.Therefore you have to have the southern hemisphere receiving the least amount of light and being winter.

Question 22: At which two points would we experience the highest high tides?:
Well we would experience the highest high tides at positions 1 and 5 or more so the positions of new moon and full moon. These are when spring tides happen which we know as highest high tides!

Question 24: Which two of the following are responsible for seasons?
The answers are the Earth's tilt or it 23.5 degree angle this makes it so when the Earth rotates on its axis different places of the earth aka the Northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere get different levels of exposure to the sun.

Question 26: Locations in the Northern Hemisphere are warmest in summer because sunlight in summer is...
Sunlight in summer is the most intense for the longest duration. This is because summer days are actually longer. This is because the angle of the sun is higher during summer than in winter meaning it takes longer for it to leave.

Question 28: In New York, the risk of sunburn is greatest at 11am- 3pm because on summer days...
On summer days the angle of the sun is higher meaning the sun is already having the most direct sunlight due to its position and because its high angle makes it stay in the sky longer.

Question 36: There are places in the world that experience 24 hours a day of daylight. Where do you expect this to happen?
 You would expect this to happen on the poles because absolutely no matter what the sun has to be pointing on either the northern hemisphere of the southern hemisphere and to be able to do that they need to tilt near the poles giving those areas sunlight. When the sun is giving preference to a certain hemisphere that pole is getting that sunlight!

Question 37: What is your science teacher's full name ( spelling matters)?:
My science teachers full name is Mariana Garcia Serrato. Serrato goes after Garcia, never before. You don't hyphenate the name because we Americans are weird and have to hyphenate everything. I originally got it wrong because I switched up Serrato and Garcia and totally butchered Serrato spelling it all funky. But NO it is Mariana Garcia Serrato. May I repeat Mariana Garcia Serrato!