Summary: This week we explored the world of Genetics. Genes are whats passed down from the generations from parent to kid. This is a determining factor on how they look and traits the child will have. Genes are also how we get our ethnicity and someone of our traits. This is how families look alike and how families can have a highly likelihood of some disease. Its all in your genes.
S&EP: This week we asked questions defined problems. This week we started making superheros by using a mix of animal genetics. This got me asking many questions. I had to look at the special abilities of angler fish. I thought about how to transform these abilities into something a human body could do. This made me think about reason and also made me ask questions about what the angler fish does. I looked deeper into what this amazing fish does to make a unique superhero in the end. I also defined problems when I asked things like how will the huge moth fit or how will the antenna work with the human shape. These were just a few questions I had to ask to make my character.
XCC: This week I had to challenge scale proportion and quantity. When I was designing my superhero this came in play a lot. First of all since an angler fishes jaw sticks out from its face making a huge crescent shape I had to consider if and how I would add such a strange thing to a human. I also had to ask myself about to make the outfit match the fishes body. This made me think about the proportions and if I had to enlarge or make anything smaller. The proportions were the hardest part especially since the angler fish has an extremely odd shape.